As I write this post today, I am working from home. The weather here is brutally cold, and all of the nearby schools are closed. So, too, is our church office -- along with many others, I assume from several who have posted on social media that they are closed today. This hasn't greatly affected my workday. Expecting the poor weather, I had not planned on making visits today and I had no appointments scheduled. Instead, I've been on the computer and the phone, planning for upcoming services, coordinating details with other church staff people, catching up on email, and working on Sunday's sermon. The truth is, I can do much of my work as a pastor from anywhere, especially if I have a phone, internet connection, and computer/tablet/smartphone. And, throughout my ministry, I have often done more than half of my work outside of the church building. Personally, given the long and unpredictable hours of ministry, including the reality that most congr...