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Showing posts from December, 2018

A Love/Hate Relationship with New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again.  The final few days when people can enjoy doing (and eating) what they want before they make big changes starting on January 1.  (Or January 2, because January 1, you know, is a holiday.) Over the years, I have made my own resolutions too.  So I won't judge anyone else for setting goals.  And I've known people whose New Year's resolutions have inspired great and meaningful changes in their lives.  People who have given up smoking.  People who have given up toxic relationships.  People who have continued a new exercise routine far beyond January. I'm delighted when we can celebrate such accomplishments.  Deep down, I'm a Calvinist, with a pretty strong conception of human sin.  I know we are all broken and need plenty of "fixing up."  Each approaching new year can serve as a secular Ash Wednesday, reminding us of our mortality, and encouraging us to atone for our mistakes and try to get our acts together....

Putting the Christmas in Advent

When can you begin having Christmas music during worship services? Some suggest that the liturgical calendar requires 4 weeks of Advent preparation before Christmas begins.  So you don't hear a note of Christmas music until Christmas Eve.  Others believe that Christmas music is appropriate during the weeks of Advent. While I can see the merits of both sides, I personally fall into the second category.  Then again, I've celebrated "Christmas in July" before in congregations, complete with Christmas carols and outreach mission efforts, so I might be an outlier in this conversation, given that I think Christmas music is appropriate during the season after Pentecost. Partially, this is because I think that most Christians are more familiar with the cultural calendar nearing Christmas, rather than the liturgical calendar.  It can be weird to hear Christmas music, including religious music like "Joy to the World" or "Do You Hear What I Hear?" on th...